“To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly.”
-Micah 6.8
The Community of Saint Peter challenges one another:
to walk with the vulnerable and marginalized
to work for peace and non-violence in our daily lives
to think globally and act locally
to respect the Earth and all creation
to love and respect all people, and welcome everyone

The Community of Saint Peter supports a variety of outreach ministries.
The Community of Saint Peter has a legacy of involvement with Cleveland area schools, food relief programs, transitional housing, clothing donations, and more. To mark our 10th anniversary, we’ve launched a collaboration with the Cleveland chapter of Habitat for Humanity.
A Community seeking strength for these tasks through our liturgical sharing of the Eucharist and the Word of God, and by strengthening our bonds of friendship and caring for one another.
The Community of St Peter works to develop peace and non-violence in our daily lives – learning to think globally and act locally.

The Community of Saint Peter supports a Social Justice Granting Process:
Members of CSP are invited to nominate organizations to receive one of four $3,000 grants.